Friday, July 23, 2010

Scarlet Sins and Pure Snow


It's already another night

walking the house alone

the darkness is dimming light

while voices they can't hear

speak to me.

A cold draft of air

seethes of a demon's touch

This visible invisible cares

too little for far too much

On my back, or around my legs

like a wolf and vampiric hybrid

sounds cliche', but not so common

when seeing spiritual eyes; you did

Not how this should be, forgive me Father

I'm not normal but you know this

that I'm not evil; all I want is innocence

when instinct slaughters my mind and body

Those in the light

know we die in the

dark; losing faith

but holding


Corrupt Unity

How can we be as white as snow

when scarlet sins are all we know?

Sometimes we're dragged so far below

all we do is scream

Nothing is ever as it seems

especially in warfare such as this

It's not physical, of that I'm sure

the pulpit now is just a blur

Why do you preach of harmony

facades and corrupt unity

Why can't you see

that we want more

The truth, the Word

and nothing more

Wolves and demons all around

nothing new, they will surround

all our breaches and walls alike

till dawn awakes and death to night

Lost the fight, not the war

I will no longer be your whore

Your scarlet harlots will decay

when Christ returns this very day.

The Ray and the Light

Severing the memories of the past

becomes harder and harder with each relapse

Dreams do not comfort a soul at night

When all I want is to know I'm alright

Surrender the pain (Let the healing come)

To die is to gain ( Let thy will be done)

All I want

is to live and die for You

and not to live

for the next thing that's new

Is the mirror in my mind a reflection of Your love?

Look in, turn away, then pass by

Why not look deeper, pause and gaze in awe

at the one who's sacrifice I never saw

I'm looking at the ray, but into the light

The world surrounds my vision, now where is my sight?


My story is so much more than pain

yeah, its so much more than hurt and lies

Got tired of wastin time and feelin same

feelings that led to tears and cries

He wrote my name with His sacrifice

ink was precious blood; nails were pens

I'm not a footnote at the bottom

I'm a chapter in the Book of Life

Show me life beyond reality

I'm a change in the making

every day is new; same struggles

but at least I'm saying (with faith)

life is more than vanity

My words are complex, all is true

Not all bruises were black and blue

Yet through the cross; this mourning

for me brings new mercies in the morning

Bring me into Your halls of glass

smoke and angels speak Your glory

How can this world which will pass

compare to the greatest treasure?

Ephesians 1:3

You whispered Your plan in my heart

so much better than this present dream

A thousand broken shards direct darts

that penetrate my lightning beam

Faith triumphed over doubt and lies

Praise to Jesus! Hands ascended high

So many, so many, do we plan

Futile, oh so futile are us (man)

So powerful enough to hold on

Not strong enough to let go

To stay away from You (wage of death)

Now I dont want to ever leave

I can't scream praises loud enough

if only my arms were ladders to heaven

Here begins Your new sentence in the Book of Life

written with Your nails and precious blood

So show me Your scars again

So I may desire to hold You closer


I was dancing amid shadows of light

Seeing only what I felt

Tasting only what I heard

Speaking fooliishly with all my might

Never did I know how close

I was to this farthest chasm

4 steps up the mountain
3 ignorant praises
2 for curiosity
One fall

Artificial light blinds more than darkness

Please raise me up again like You did

My many words; stones to a bird

Take my hand and curse the idle word

Now that I'm in this fall again

I can't wait till I hit the bottom

Let me never sin against You

give me discernment, Father

Cursed may I be

if you ever see

my angelic syntax

with demonic motives


  1. wow! i really dont like poetry...but i like yours. Cool how God is working in you..

  2. thank you....its really just whenever I feel the Holy Spirit speaking to me or if i'm in prayer. Or sometimes if something is on the mind and it just wont go away, ya know?
